I am really loving this Sophia the Seamstress set. She is just so wonderful and reminds me of so many wonderful memories I have of my grandmother who taught me how to sew when I was 4 years old. If you just found your way to my blog then you should go to the Queen Kat Designs Blog and start there. You won't want to miss a thing. You should have come to my blog via Sara's wonderful blog and you will be finishing at the Queen Kat Designs Store. Be sure to check out the specials listed below while you are there.
Tuesday Twenty
It's gonna be Tuesday for the rest of the month!
Take 20% off everything!
That makes all clearance items 75% off
(Good today through 01/31/10)use coupon code: TT20
(Good today through 01/31/10)use coupon code: TT20
*Special Note*Queen Kat Designs will be closed from January 18th-January 31st. We are away at CHA. All orders received between those dates will receive a free seperates stamp in their order! Shipping will resume on February 1st